CANCELED: July Training Series: Accessible Organizations

NOTE: This training program has been canceled. Join our mailing list to stay updated on future training programs.

Is your campaign training or movement organization truly welcoming to the 1 in 4 Americans with disabilities? Is your organization considering accessibility across all aspects of your organization, from your culture, to communication with staff and supporters, to in-person and virtual events?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect, let us simplify it for you! 

Join us on Tuesdays in July as we break down disability inclusion and accessibility for organizations by answering the following questions:

  • What barriers do disabled people face in organizing and political participation?

  • Why does accessibility matter?

  • How do you make accessibility and disability inclusion part of your organization’s culture, practices, communications, and events?

  • What are best practices for planning and implementing accessibility for your organization’s size, capacity, and budget?

This training program is a series of 90-minute Zoom workshops on the knowledge and skills you need to make your organization more accessible and welcoming to the disability community. For those attending the full workshop series, we will also offer office hours for customized assistance in implementing accessibility throughout your organization.

Accommodations: All workshops will have American Sign Language interpretation and CART captioning. Attendees can request materials in advance upon registration. If you need additional accommodations, please email


All proceeds from this programming will go towards continuing Disability Victory’s mission of creating an accessible, disability-led curriculum to empower disabled leaders to effect change.

Sign up for one workshop, or the entire series!

  • Organization: $300 per workshop per person, $750 for the series (plus bonus office hours on July 30)

  • Advocate (an individual without organizational support): a discounted price of $50 per workshop, $125 for the series (plus bonus office hours on July 30)

To register for a single workshop, please visit the link below for the workshop you wish to attend.

Register for the entire series here by selecting the ticket titled ALL Workshops (either for individual or organization). We will follow up by email to provide you the links for all 4 workshops.


Tuesday, July 9: Introduction to Accessible

and Disability-Inclusive Organizations: 

Start here to gain insight into the disability community, combat ableism, and begin integrating accessibility. We'll delve into creating an inclusive culture, provide resources for understanding your responsibilities to disabled staff and volunteers, and explore disability-inclusive field organizing.

Register for Introduction to Accessible and Disability-Inclusive Organizations

Tuesday, July 16: Accessible Communications: 

Learn how to ensure all aspects of your organization's communications are accessible, from language usage to digital platforms. Gain practical skills such as writing effective alternative text, embracing anti-ableist and plain language principles, and discover resources for enhancing website and digital asset accessibility.

Register for Accessible Communications

Tuesday, July 23: Accessible Events:
In-Person, Virtual, and Hybrid

Whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid, making events accessible is crucial. We'll demystify event accessibility, covering everything from selecting physically accessible venues to providing accommodations and hosting accessible virtual events.

Register for Accessible Events

Tuesday, July: Bonus Office Hours

We are offering a 90-minute office hours session for attendees who sign up for the entire series. What questions do you have about making your organization more accessible and inclusive? We’re here to offer customized guidance to help you ensure that your programming, communications, and culture are fully accessible.

Office hours are closed to participants who register for the entire series. Register for the full workshop series here by selecting the ticket titled All Workshops.

About Us: Disability Victory is a 501(c)4 organization committed to empowering disabled progressives through training, networking, and leadership development. As a disability-led organization, we specialize in creating accessible and inclusive programs, resources, and organizing spaces.


3/6/24: Disability Inclusivity for Candidates with League of Conservation Voters